FIG. 1.
H2O2 and t-BHQ induce mRNAs for ferritin H and L in BNL CL.2 and Hepa1-6 mouse liver cells. (Top left) Confluent BNL CL.2 cells were treated for 8 h with H2O2 at 250 or 750 μM or t-BHQ at 100 or 250 μM. A 10-μg portion of total RNA from each treatment was subjected to sequential hybridization with a probe for ferritin H (FH) and ferritin L (FL). Equivalent amounts of RNA loading and transfer to membrane were confirmed by ethidium bromide staining (results not shown). (Top right) The results for ferritin H (FH) and ferritin L (FL) mRNA induction in BNL CL.2 cells (ferritin H and L expression without treatment was defined as 1.0) from five independent experiments are shown, with the standard error indicated. (Bottom) Confluent Hepa1-6 cells were treated with H2O2 at 250 μM, t-BHQ at 100 μM, and β-NF at 50 μM for 8 and 25 h. Ferritin H (FH) and ferritin L (FL) mRNA expression was similarly analyzed by Northern blotting.