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. 2021 Feb 11;36(11):3417–3422. doi: 10.1007/s11606-020-06530-6

Table 1.

Population Characteristics, n = 141,711*

n (%) or mean (SD) P value
No marijuana policy at index, n = 80,955 (57.1%) Medical marijuana policy only at index, n = 56,494 (39.9%) Medical and recreational marijuana policy at index, n = 4,262 (3.0%)
Demographic information
    Female 45,851 (56.6%) 31,422 (55.6%) 2451 (57.5%) < 0.001
  Mean age (years) (SD) 45.8 (12.2) 45.5 (12.1) 45.8 (12.3) < 0.001
  Age group (%) < 0.001
    18–24 years 6669 (8.2%) 4795 (8.5%) 340 (8.0%)
    25–34 years 9544 (11.8%) 6504 (11.5%) 545 (12.8%)
    35–44 years 16,528 (20.4%) 11,671 (20.7%) 854 (20.0%)
    45–54 years 23,340 (28.8%) 17,486 (31.1%) 1190 (27.9%)
    55–62 years 24,874 (30.7%) 16,028 (28.4%) 1333 (31.3%)
  Region < 0.001
    Northeast 4170 (5.2%) 23,025 (40.8%) 0 (0.0%)
    Midwest 27,255 (33.7%) 9574 (17.0%) 0 (0.0%)
    South 47,920 (59.2%) 3200 (5.7%) 48 (1.1%)
    West 1610 (2.0%) 20,695 (36.6%) 4214 (98.9%)
  New prescription pain treatment 48,217 (59.6%) 36,188 (64.1%) 2580 (60.5%) < 0.001
Index pain prescription pharmacy information
  Pharmacy out of state 10,056 (12.4%) 5622 (10.0%) 728 (17.1%) < 0.001
  Prescriber out of state 11,215 (13.9%) 7639 (13.5%) 749 (17.6%) < 0.001
  Benzodiazepine: index period 1188 (1.5%) 794 (1.4%) 91 (2.1%) < 0.001
  Benzodiazepine: post period 9210 (11.4%) 5977 (10.6%) 598 (14.0%) < 0.001
  Muscle relaxant: index period 8430 (10.4%) 5306 (9.4%) 387 (9.1%) < 0.001
  Muscle relaxant: post period 28,135 (34.8%) 16,513 (29.2%) 1410 (33.1%) < 0.001
Disease burden—unique GPI-2 count
  Mean disease burden (SD) 10.1 (5.4) 9.0 (5.0) 9.1 (5.2)§ < 0.001
  Mental health treatment indicator 31,922 (39.4%) 19,889 (35.2%) 1671 (39.2%) < 0.001

*All data were statistically significant at the P < 0.001 across groups, except for cells marked with a note indicating otherwise. Region is based on US Census regions. Disease burden was defined as a unique count of 2-digit GPIs used by the patient, indicating the number of unique drug groups for which the patient had a prescription claim in the study period. Mental health treatment indicator was defined as having a prescription claim for a mental health medication or medical claim with a diagnosis code for any mental health condition in the follow-up period

†Not significantly different from no marijuana policy or from medical marijuana policy only at index

‡Not significantly different from medical and recreational marijuana policy at index

§Not significantly different from medical marijuana policy only at index

GPI generic product identifier, OOP out-of-pocket, SD standard deviation