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. 2021 Feb 11;36(11):3417–3422. doi: 10.1007/s11606-020-06530-6

Table 2.

Descriptive Opioid Utilization Patterns by State Policy Status*

n (%) or mean (SD) P value
State policy status No marijuana policy at index Medical marijuana policy only at index Medical and recreational marijuana policy at index
Among entire sample (n = 141,711) n = 80,955 n = 56,494 n = 4262
  Opioid index prescription 47,946 (59.2%) 32,323 (57.2%) 2983 (70.0%) < 0.001
  Follow-up opioid prescription 64,865 (80.1%) 42,755 (75.7%) 3683 (86.4%) < 0.001
Among those with new pain prescriptions (n = 86,985) n = 48,217 n = 36,188 n = 2580
  Opioid index prescription 29,455 (61.1%) 20,646 (57.1%) 1868 (72.4%) < 0.001
Among those prescribed opioids at index (n = 83,252) n = 47,946 n = 32,323 n = 2983
  Index opioid days’ supply > 7 18,044 (37.6%) 12,171 (37.7%) 995 (33.4%) < 0.001
  Cumulative days’ supply ≥ 90 1935 (4.0%) 1269 (2.5%) 102 (4.0%) < 0.001
  Mean daily index MED (SD) 48.7 (70.2) 51.9 (90.5) 59.5 (89.5) < 0.001
  Mean index opioid days’ supply (SD) 11.3 (14.1) 11.3 (13.9) 10.9 (15.1) NS

*All data were statistically significant at the P < 0.001 across groups, except for cells marked with a note indicating otherwise

†Not significantly different across groups

Follow-up opioid defined as any opioid prescription within the 2-year follow-up period. SD standard deviation, MED morphine equivalent dose, NS not significant