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. 2021 Nov 18;14:17562848211042171. doi: 10.1177/17562848211042171

Table 2.

Main characteristics of the studies included. Patients treated with EUS-guided EA technique. NA: not applicable, F: female, M:male, EA: etanol ablation, EUS: endoscopic ultrasound.

Study population Country No. of patients with insulinoma Gender (M\F) Age (years) Indication for EUS-EA No of insulinomas No of sessions No of passes Ethanol concentration (%) Ethanol volume (ml) Glucose (mmol/L) Insulin (pmol/L) C-peptid (pmol/L) Type of adverse event
before EA after EA before EA after EA before EA after EA
Altonbary et al. 21 Egypt 1 M 35 refuse surgery 1 2 2 NA 6 1.67 NA 1632 NA NA NA no
Bor et al. 23 Hungary 1 F 83 comorbidity 1 1 2 96 3 1.7 3.5 185 25.7 NA NA no
Burghardt et al. 6 Germany 1 F 65 comorbidity 1 1 NA 96 1 2.1 7.5 271 NA NA NA no
Dabkowski et al. 26 Poland 1 F 81 comorbidity 1 2 NA 96 3 1.61 4.61 231 34 1586 728 no
Sousa et al. 27 Portugal 1 F 89 comorbidity 1 1 NA 95 0.6 2.11 NA 83.3 NA NA NA no
Deprez et al. 29 Belgium 1 F 78 comorbidity 1 NA NA 98 3.5 1.9 6.2 229.6 43.1 1970 NA duodenal perforation
Jürgensen et al. 10 Germany 1 F 78 refuse surgery 1 1 4 95 8 0.8 5.3 560 41 3880 1560 abd.pain
Lee et al. 35 Korea 1 F 26 tumour location (multiple ins.) 4 1 3 95 3.2 2 5.3 106.3 61.8 1200 600 no
Levy et al. 36 USA 5 F 72 comorbidity 1 2 5 98 0.37 NA 7.77 NA NA NA NA no
M 82 comorbidity 1 3 7 95 0.62 NA
F 80 comorbidity 1 2 9 98 1.23 NA
F 57 refuse surgery 1 2 7 98 4.5 NA
M 34 refuse surgery 1 2 9 99 1.7 NA