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. 2021 Nov 8;15:774073. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.774073


Literature review of patients with rare, acquired tremor syndromes who underwent DBS of the DRT/DRTT.

Authors n Diagnoses mean FU (mo.) DBS target DRT/DRTT targeting method Outcome data
Bargiotas et al., 2021 4 HT (post-stroke) 48 Unilateral Vim (2) or DRTT (2) direct Average FTMTRS reduction at last FU*: Vim 29.25%; DRTT 15.30%
Morishita et al., 2019 7 ET (3), PD (2), HT [post-head trauma (1), post-stroke (1)] 11.1 ± 6.4 Bilateral thalamic (red nucleus & Vim) intended to engage the DRT direct Reductions in tremor rating scale scores for ET, PD, and HT patients were 42.63, 71.43, and 56.09%, respectively
Coenen et al., 2011 1 Myoclonic head tremor 3 Bilateral DRT direct ETRS score improved by 18% postoperatively; >90% control of head tremor at 3 months
Plaha et al., 2008 18 PD (5), HT (1), cerebellar tremor (1), ET (6), MS tremor (4), dystonic tremor (1) 12 Bilateral cZI (intended to engage white matter tracts surrounding the subthalamic region) indirect Tremor improvement for all diagnoses: PD resting 94.8%, postural 88.2%; ET 75.9%; HT 70.2%; cerebellar tremor 60.4%; MS tremor 57.2%; dystonic tremor improved both tremor and dystonia
Kudo et al., 2001 1 HT (post-stroke) N/A Bilateral Vim (engaging the DRTT) indirect almost complete abolition of tremor in both the head and arm, though some ataxia of arm still present

Few case reports and series describing intentional targeting of dentato-rubro-thalamic circuit implicated white matter fiber tracts. Multiple targeting and tremor evaluation strategies are reported.

*3 of 4 patients saw sustained improvement for 3 years, followed by deterioration of ADL performance to worse than baseline by 4 years; 1 of 4 patients saw sustained improvement for 9 years. FU – follow-up; HT – Holmes’ tremor; ET – essential tremor; PD – Parkinson’s disease; MS – multiple sclerosis; DRT/DRTT – dentato-rubro-thalamic tract; cZI – caudal zona incerta; FTMTRS – Fahn-Tolosa-Marin Tremor Rating Scale; ETRS – Essential Tremor Rating Scale.