Development of an ANGPTL3 vaccine
(A) Schematic diagram of ANGPTL3 protein. Epitope candidates (E1–E3) are denoted by black bars, and functional domains are indicated.
(B) Schematic showing vaccine injection protocol (black arrowheads) and animal sacrifice (open arrowheads).
(C–J) Analyses of ob/ob mice 6 weeks after the first immunization. (C) Antibody titer following injection of indicated peptides as assessed by ELISA (n = 7–12 per group). Values are reported as the serum dilution giving half-maximal binding (optical density: OD50%). (D–H) Western blots probed with sera from indicated mice (D–G) or with anti-BSA antibody (H). All 5 blots are identical and contain a molecular weight marker (lane 1), recombinant ANGPTL3 (lane 2), E1 peptide conjugated to BSA (E1-BSA) (lane 3), E2-BSA (lane 4), and E3-BSA (lane 5). IB, immunoblot; rANGPTL3, recombinant ANGPTL3. (I and J) Angptl3 transcript levels in liver of ob/ob mice (n = 6–11 per group) (I) and circulating ANGPTL3 concentrations in ob/ob mice (n = 7–12 per group) (J). Transcript levels in the KLH group were set to 1.
(C and J) Results are expressed as median ± IQR.
(I) Results are expressed as mean ± SEM n.s., not significant; †p < 0.01 versus KLH (control) group.