Table 2.
Whole brain table for activation for the contrast social (i.e. social risky & social safe) > solo. Peak coordinates for each cluster are reported as well as lateralization of the effect (L=left; R=right). Whole brain results are thresholded at z > 3.1, p < .05 FWE corrected.
Region |
z-stat |
L/R |
voxels |
x | y | z | ||||
Occipital Cortex | 7.70 | L | -6 | -82 | -18 | 3492 |
Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex | 6.02 | R | 0 | 48 | -20 | 1799 |
Precuneus | 6.97 | R | 6 | -52 | 20 | 2136 |
Temporal Parietal Junction | 5.36 | L | -58 | -46 | 2 | 2110 |
Temporal Parietal Junction | 5.76 | R | 44 | -48 | 18 | 869 |
Temporal Pole | 6.43 | R | 58 | -2 | -28 | 1584 |
Temporal Pole | 5.28 | L | -44 | 16 | -38 | 733 |
Ventral Striatum | 6.04 | R | 0 | 4 | -14 | 117 |
Cerebellum | 5.73 | L | -6 | -56 | -46 | 235 |
Cerebellum | 4.65 | R | 20 | -76 | -36 | 104 |
Cerebellum | 6.01 | L | -26 | -78 | -36 | 224 |