(A) Schematic of PRISM alleles.
(B) Sox6-Cre, Nestin-LSL-Flpo, RC-LacZ (from here on Sox6 PRISM) at E11.5. βGal+ progenitors (Sox6+) are located medially in the Lmx1a+ floor plate.
(C) Sox6 PRISM adult brains show TH+,βGal+ neurons in the SNc and VTA (n = 8).
(C’) High magnification of SNc TH+,βGal+ cells (arrowheads) and TH+,βGal− cells (triangles).
(D) Average TH+,βGal+/TH+ neurons in Sox6 PRISM adult brains, also corrected by PRISM efficiency; p = 0.1.
(E) High magnification of Sox6 PRISM SNc neurons co-expressing TH, ALDH1A1, and βGal.
(F) Sox6 PRISM SNc cells co-expressing dopamine transporter (DAT), CALBINDIN-D28k (CB), and βGal. Most CB+,DAT+ cells are βGal− (triangles). For reference, arrowhead shows a βGal+,DAT+,CB− cell.
(G) Percentage of βGal+ cells that express ALDH1A1 or CB in the SNc and VTA of Sox6 PRISM adult brains (p values: SNc p = 0.008, VTAp = 0.5).
Scale bars: (C) 200 μm; all other scale bars, 50 μm. Error bars are SEMs. (B and D–G) n = 3.