Table 2 |.
Hormones and growth factors regulated by Pi
Factors | Regulation by Pi | Target organs | Effect | Blood Pi concentration | Refs |
FGF23 | Up | Kidney | Renal Pi wasting and decreased synthesis of calcitriol | Down | 79 |
PTH | Up | Kidney and bone | Renal Pi wasting, increased synthesis of calcitriol and release of Pi by bone resorption | Down | 286 |
Calcitriol | Down | Intestine and bone | Increased intestinal Pi absorption and release of Pi by bone resorption | Up | 287 |
IGF1 | Up | Bone and kidney | Increased Pi storage in bone mineral and increased renal Pi reabsorption | Up (down) | 99,288 |
Osteopontin | Up | Bone | Increased Pi storage in bone mineral | (Down) | 98 |
FGF23, fibroblast growth factor 23; IGF1, insulin-like growth factor 1; Pi, inorganic phosphate; PTH, parathyroid hormone.