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. 2021 May 11;35(4):291–297. doi: 10.1097/WAD.0000000000000453


Neuropsychological Outcomes

Logical Memory Delayed Recall Visual Reproduction Delayed Recall Trail Making B-A (Log) Similarities Test HVOT(Log)
BMD Measure β [95% CI] P β [95% CI] P β [95% CI] P β [95% CI] P β [95% CI] P
Men (M1 n=870, M2 n=857)
 Femoral neck M1 1.31 [−0.43; 3.04] 0.140 1.70 [0.23; 3.16] 0.023 0.16 [0.05; 0.27] 0.003 0.67 [−0.95; 2.30] 0.417 −0.01 [−0.24; 0.22] 0.937
 Femoral neck M2 1.32 [−0.46; 3.09] 0.145 1.64 [0.15; 3.12] 0.031 0.16 [0.05; 0.27] 0.004 0.89 [−0.77; 2.55] 0.291 −0.001 [−0.24; 0.24] 0.996
 Femoral trochanter M1 0.71 [−0.98; 2.41] 0.410 1.24 [−0.20; 2.68] 0.091 0.15 [0.05; 0.26] 0.004 0.10 [−1.49; 1.69] 0.899 −0.05 [−0.28; 0.17] 0.645
 Femoral trochanter M2 0.69 [−1.07; 2.44] 0.442 1.19 [−0.28; 2.67] 0.112 0.14 [0.04; 0.25] 0.008 0.24 [−1.4; 1.88] 0.774 −0.04 [−0.27; 0.20] 0.747
Women (M1 n=1035, M2 n=1015)
 Femoral Neck M1 1.03 [−0.87; 2.93] 0.289 0.79 [−0.78; 2.36] 0.324 0.16 [0.04; 0.28] 0.010 0.30 [−1.38; 1.97] 0.727 0.20 [−0.05; 0.46] 0.117
 Femoral Neck M2 1.08 [−0.89; 3.05] 0.283 0.47 [−1.15; 2.09] 0.569 0.16 [0.03; 0.29] 0.013 0.49 [−1.24; 2.23] 0.577 0.18 [−0.08; 0.44] 0.176
 Femoral trochanter M1 2.32 [0.50; 4.14] 0.012 1.71 [0.20; 3.21] 0.026 0.07 [−0.05; 0.19] 0.254 −0.34 [−1.95; 1.26] 0.674 0.25 [0.004; 0.49] 0.046
 Femoral trochanter M2 2.72 [0.8; 4.64] 0.006 1.53 [−0.05; 3.11] 0.058 0.08 [−0.04; 0.21] 0.182 −0.17 [−1.87; 1.52] 0.841 0.22 [−0.04; 0.48] 0.094

M1: model 1 adjusted for age, education, and time interval between exam and NP assessment.

M2: model 2 adjusted for age, education, time interval between exam and NP assessment, systolic blood pressure, antihypertensive medication use, smoking, diabetes, prevalent CVD, atrial fibrillation, total cholesterol, and triglycerides.

Bold values indicate statistical significance (P<0.05).

β corresponds to the change in cognitive test outcome associated with a 1 unit-increase in BMD.

CI indicates confidence interval; CVD, cardiovascular disease; HVOT, Hooper Visual Organization test; NP, neuropsychological.