Positivity and levels of circulating hypermethylated RASSF1A and total cfDNA during therapy in patients with high-risk neuroblastoma. Red circles indicate samples from a patient who will suffer from an event, and blue circles indicate samples from patients who remain in complete remission (survivor). (A) Amount of hypermethylated RASSF1A in copies/mL plasma during therapy. (B) Relative levels of hypermethylated RASSF1A per total RASSF1A copies during therapy. (C) Levels of cfDNA, measured by β-actin (ACTB), in copies/mL plasma during therapy. (D) Fraction of total number of samples tested that were positive for circulating hypermethylated RASSF1A. Green bar represents positive samples, and orange bar represents negative samples. cfDNA, cell-free DNA; CT, cycles of chemotherapy; Dx, diagnosis; end-ind, end of induction; event tx, event therapy; ext-ind, extra induction therapy (not for refractory disease); post-con, postconsolidation; refr, refractory disease treatment.