Table 3.
Final criteria, criterion weights and associated question used for ranking the zoonotic diseases
Criterion | Criterion weight | Question and answer choices |
Severity of disease | 0.36 |
What is the case fatality ratea for the disease in animals and human in the ECOWAS region? • Case fatality rate in one or both sectors ≥ 15% – 2 points • Case fatality rate in one or both sectors ≥ 5—< 15% – 1 point • Case fatality rate in both sectors < 5% – 0 points |
Prevention and control capacity | 0.19 |
Is there any effective preventive or therapeutic measure (vaccine or antimicrobial) for humans and/or animals? • Animals and humans – 2 points • Animals or humans – –1 point • Neither – 0 points |
Epidemic or pandemic potential | 0.18 |
Has the pathogen caused an epidemic (human or animal) in the ECOWAS region? • Within the past 5 years – 2 points • Within the past ≥ 5 and < 10 years – 1 point • Never or more than 10 years ago – 0 points |
Ability to detect | 0.16 |
Is there a One Health surveillance systemb for this disease (investigation, laboratory, or data sharing) in the ECOWAS region? • For all three sectors – 2 points • For two sectors – 1 point • For one sector or none of the sectors – 0 points |
Socio-economic and environmental impact | 0.12 |
Is the disease on the OIE list of notifiable diseasesc and is the disease potentially affected by climate change (host range, vector or reservoir)? • Yes to both – 2 points • Yes to one – 1 point • No – 0 points |
a If data from the ECOWAS region was not available, global data was used
b If five or more ECOWAS countries had a surveillance system for a disease in a particular sector, the sector was considered to have a surveillance system for that disease
c The OIE list was agreed upon by the Member States as a proxy to measure socio-economic impact