Assessment of assay performance across sites. (a) Summary of assay performance as measured by recall, precision, and F-score by site (n = 136). (b) Summary of assay performance by measure (n = 17). (c) Visualization of the similarity in microbial compositions across sites and reference reagents (n = 136). A nMDS plot of a Bray-Curtis dissimilarity matrix was constructed from the species composition of each reference reagent at each site (n = 136). (d) Summary of assay performance by microbial type, (n = 136), *, P < 0.05, **, P < 0.01 by Wilcoxon rank sum test. (e) Detection of each microorganism in the reference panel. Bacteria and fungi were measured in CFU/ml, and viruses were measured in copies/ml. Columns indicate the number of detection sites, and black dots indicate titers of microorganisms (n = 136). Ranges of abundances of each microbial type are displayed at the top. (f) Assay turn-around times by site (n = 17). (g) Assay turn-around times by step (n = 17). See also Supplemental Figs. S1, S2.