Coupled low frequency oscillations from Wwox knockout mouse neocortical bursting events predominantly propagate from layer II/III to layer V. A, Simultaneous layer V and II/III local field potential recording of bursting activity. B, Layer II/III and layer V recording from A, filtered at 4-6 Hz. C, Cross correlation for the example in A, using the filtered signal (top) and an expanded version of this cross correlation showing computation of lag between the two signals (bottom). D, Histogram of 48 bursts from 17 slices of 6 S-KO animals showing the lag between the layer II/III and layer V signals at 4-6 Hz. E, Boxplot showing lag for varying frequency bands of interest. 0.5-4 Hz shows layer II/III precedes layer V by a median of 18 ms. 4-6 Hz shows layer II/III precedes layer V by a median of 33 ms. 100-400 Hz shows layer V precedes layer II/III by a median of 9.5 ms. Data box is presented in median with 25th and 75th percentiles. Whiskers are the datapoints not considered outliers. Outliers were omitted for clarity.