Action-potential independent excitatory currents (mEPSCs) elevated in Wwox knockout mouse pyramidal neurons. A, Examples of mEPSCs for wildtype (S-WT) (black), heterozygote (S-HT) (blue) and knockout (S-KO) (red) obtained by addition of tetrodotoxin, TTX (1 μM), to the perfusate. B, Cumulative probability distribution for the amplitude of the mEPSCs. Inset shows average mEPSCs for S-KO, S-WT and S-HT. (* indicates significance for the following combinations: S-WT vrs S-HT p = 1.9831e-04; S-WT vrs S-KO p = 4.9906e-07; S-HT vrs S-KO p = 1.3306e-06; KS test). C, Cumulative probability distribution for the frequency of the mEPSCs (S-WT vrs S-HT p = 0.0018; S-WT vrs S-KO p = 2.4054e-04; S-HT vrs S-KO: 0.5963; KS test; S-WT N = 10 cells, 4 animals; S-HT N = 10 cells, 5 animals; S-KO N = 10 cells, 5 animals). D, Cumulative probability distributions for amplitude and frequency of the mEPSCs of the S-KO mice at three 50 s time windows within 5 min (range 1, range 2, range 3) (N = 10 cells, 5 animals), demonstrating consistency of currents across time. E, Examples of sEPSCs in the S-WT and S-KO mice. Black dots are the detected events. Right graph shows total mean ± standard error of sEPSCs for all animals. Black indicates control (S-CTL) which is a combination of heterozygotes and wildtypes, red indicates knockout (S-KO). F, Cumulative probability distribution of the amplitudes (f1) (* p = 1.5e-5; s-WT vrs s-KO p = 3.4659e-23, s-HT vrs s-KO p = 5.4976e-26, Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test) and frequencies (f2) (p = 0.9805; s-HT vrs s-KO p = 0.0315; s-WT vrs sKO p = 0.4081; KS test) of the sEPSCs (S-CTLs n = 18 cells from 10 animals, S-KOs n = 17 cells from 10 animals; s-WT: N = 14 cells, 5 animals; s-HET N = 17 cells, 8 animals). G, Examples of sIPSCs in the S-WT and S-KO mice. Black dots are the detected events. Right graph shows the total mean ± standard error of sIPSCs for all animals. H, Cumulative probability distribution of the amplitudes (h1) (** p = 9.22e-135; sWT vrs sKO p = 1.8341e-100; sHT vrs sKO p = 2.5249e-69, KS-test) and frequencies (h2) (* p = 9.42e-8; sWT vrs sKO p = 6.1628e-08; sHT vrs sKO p = 4.5624e-05, KS test) of the sIPSCs (S-CTLs n = 14 cells from 7 animals; S-KOs n = 9 cells from 5 animals; s-WT N = 7 cells, 4 animals; s-HET N = 7 cells, 4 animals). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)