Effects of KV7.3/R2C ASD mutation on action potential generation in dopamine neurons in brain slices. (A) Schematic of hKV7.3/WT and R2C reexpression strategy. (B) Number of cells that fired at least one action potential (active, gray) or no action potentials (silent, white) during a 10-s current clamp recording from dopamine neurons in which Rosa was inactivated (sgRosa), Kcnq3 was inactivated (sgKcnq3), or Kcnq3 was inactivated and either KCNQ3/WT (hKV7.3/WT) or KCNQ3/R2C (hKV7.3/R2C) was expressed. P = 0.0002; Fisher’s exact test, two sided. (C) Firing rate of cells from B. sgRosa vs. sgKcnq3: P = 0.0461, Student’s t test, two sided. hKV7.3/WT vs. hKV7.3/R2C: P = 0.0002, Student’s t test, two sided. (D) Traces of firing in response to an injection of a 180-pA depolarizing current. (Scale bar: 20 mV, 100 ms.) (E) Number of action potentials fired during a 1-s depolarizing current injection from 20 to 200 pA in 20-pA increments. sgRosa vs. sgKcnq3: spikes × current injection interaction, P = 0.049, two-way repeated measures (RM) ANOVA. hKV7.3/WT vs. hKV7.3/R2C: spikes × current injection interaction, P = 0.0001, two-way RM ANOVA. (F) Accommodation index, calculated as the ratio of the interspike interval of the last two spikes in each train divided by that of the first two spikes. P = 0.0052, Student’s t test, two sided.