Gloeocapsoid structures confer resistance to internalized cells against external stressors. (A) Control cells and gloeocapsoids of C. reinhardtii were inoculated into TAP media covering the pH range from 9 to 11. At pH 9, both vegetative cells and gloeocapsoid-derived cells grew. At pH 10 and pH 11, gloeocapsoid-derived cells regenerated after an initial drop in autofluorescence, whereas control cells showed no recovery. (B) Autofluorescence at day 7 of C. reinhardtii control cells and gloeocapsoids incubated in TAP medium from pH 7 to 9. (C) C. reinhardtii vegetative cells as well as gloeocapsoids were treated with 10 and 15 μg ⋅ mL−1 azalomycin F, and autofluorescence was monitored for 7 d. (D) Final autofluorescence at day 7 of C. reinhardtii control cells and gloeocapsoids treated with 0, 10, and 15 μg ⋅ mL−1 azalomycin F. For each time point, n ≥ 4; SEMs are shown. ***P ≤ 0.001 calculated using one-way ANOVA.