(A and B) Caloric intake and body weight among mice offered ad libitum access to several pairs of diets, including LFD and HFD supplemented with the sweetener sucralose. (A) Unshaded bars show unsweetened LFD intake, black bars show unsweetened HFD intake, striped black is sucralose-sweetened HFD, and striped gray is sucralose-sweetened LFD. (B) The bar shading corresponds to the more preferred diet as described above.
(C and D) Caloric intake and percent change in body weight over 4 weeks on diets of differing fat content.
(E) Caloric intake of mice fed either a LFD (10% calories from digestible fat), HFD (60% calories from digestible fat), or mineral oil diet (10% of calories from digestible fat but supplemented with mineral oil as described in the STAR Methods). Average intake from 6 days is shown. Bar shading in (E): unshaded is LFD, black is HFD, and gray is mineral oil diet. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. Different letters represent significant differences between groups. ANOVA with post hoc t tests using Benjamini-Hochberg correction was used for between-group statistical testing. #p < 0.05 for within-group diet preference by paired t test. .