Table II.
Authors (year) | MAML2 fusion | Initial cytological diagnosis | Cellularity | Background | Lymphocytes | Squamous cellsa | Intermediate cellsb | Mucous cells | Oncocytes | Nuclear atypia | (Refs.) |
Balasubiramaniyan et al (2019) | Not assessed | High-grade MEC | Cellular | Cystic component, necrosis, macrophages | + | + | + | + | - | Mild | (9) |
Hang et al (2017) | Positive | Low-grade MEC, suspected but cannot exclude a non-neoplastic cyst with reactive/metaplastic changes | Moderate | Cystic component; mucin, histiocytes, multinucleated giant cells | + | + | + | - | - | Mild | (10) |
Hang et al (2017) | Positive | 1st: Pleomorphic adenoma; 2nd: MEC, suspected | Small amountc | Cystic component; myxoid, proteinaceous | + | + | + | - | - | Mild | (10) |
Akaev et al (2018) | Positive | Insufficient material | Small amount | Intense inflammatory infiltrate with few duct cells | + | - | - | - | - | - | (11) |
Zhang et al (2019) | Positive | Warthin tumour or a tumour with sebaceous cell component, among others | Small amountd | Cystic contents; macrophages, lymphoid cells | + | - | - | + | - | Mild | (8) |
Present case | Positive | Lymphoepithelial sialadenitis | Moderate | Cystic contents; lymphocytes macrophages | + | - | + | + | - | Mild | / |
aSquamous cells include the term ‘squamoid cells’;
bintermediate cells include the term ‘polygonal and tangles cells’;
csince the first diagnosis that revealed a small number of benign epithelial cells;
dsince the diagnosis that indicated mostly a cystic component and rare epithelial cells. MAML2, mastermind-like transcriptional coactivator 2; NA, not available.