Fig. 6.
Colonic CD4+ iNKT cells are preferentially depleted in AHI and show limited recovery after ART. Absolute number of colonic iNKT cells (A), CD4+ iNKT cells (B), and CD4− iNKT cells (C) in HIV-uninfected subjects (HIV-neg black, n = 9), Fiebig I (dark blue) Fiebig II (light blue), and Fiebig III (orange) HIV-infected individuals before ART (n = 22) and after 2 y of ART (n = 16). The lines and whiskers represent the median and interquartile range, respectively. Associations between plasma VL and absolute numbers of colonic CD4+ (D) and CD4− (E) iNKT cells. The relative depletion of CD4+ T cells and CD4+ iNKT cells before ART (F) and after 2 y of ART (G) were calculated by comparing values for each HIV-infected individual to the median value for the HIV-uninfected group. The whiskers represent the minimum to maximum and the box represent the 25% percentile, median, and 75% percentile.