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[Preprint]. 2021 Nov 15:2021.11.14.21266325. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2021.11.14.21266325

Table 2.

Correlation Matrix

Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
(1) Incidence 1.000
(2) Mask Usage −0.265 (0.060) 1.000
(3) Testing Frequency −0.116 (0.418) 0.472 (0.000) 1.000
(4) Mobility −0.010 (0.490) 0.503 (0.000) 0.529 (0.000) 1.000
(5) Population Density −0.220 (0.121) 0.311 (0.026) 0.523 (0.000) 0.505 (0.000) 1.000
(6) Incidence2020 0.479 (0.000) −0.376 (0.006) −0.437 (0.001) −0.334 (0.017) −0.148 (0.301) 1.000
(7) Vaccination Rate −0.611 (0.000) 0.603 (0.000) 0.452 (0.001) 0.248 (0.080) 0.183 (0.198) −0.753 (0.000) 1.000

Incidence is the dependent variable and vaccination rate is the primary independent variable of interest. P-values are included in parentheses.