Fig. 1. Optogenetic activation of DAergic VTA, but not SNc, neurons increases aggression.
a Schematic of the isolation-induced aggression experimental design between males. After separation for 10 days, mice underwent a stimulation protocol, counterbalanced for genotype on Day 11 and 12. Effects of optogenetic activation of the VTA (b–d) or SNc (e–g) on aggression. b The schematic diagram for stimulating VTA DA neurons in vivo. c, d Heightened aggressive behavior, measured as increased time fighting, was observed in pairs when DATIRESCre; Ai32 mutant mice were stimulated (blue). e The schematic diagram for stimulating SNc DA release in vivo. f, g No effect of SNc DA stimulation was detected. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01 compared with their respective controls; mean ± SEM; n = 16 (c, d) and 10 (f) pairs.