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. 2021 Nov 23;11:22729. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-02163-9

Table 3.

Relation between heavy metal concentration and the presence of nosebleed, white lines on nails and chronic colic.

Metal Concentration Nosebleed White lines on nails Chronic colic
No N (%) Yes N (%) X2 p-value No N (%) Yes N (%) X2 p-value No N (%) Yes N (%) X2 p-value
linear association Pearson linear association Pearson Linear association Pearson
As Low 21 (67.7) 10 (32.3) 0.001 0.01 27 (87.1) 4 (12.9) 0 .039 0.07 26 (83.9) 5 (16.1) 0.045 0.1
Medium 13 (41.9) 18 (58.1) 20 (64.5) 11 (35.5) 19 (61.3) 12 (38.7)
High 8 (26.7) 22 (73.3) 19 (63.3) 11 (36.7) 18 (60.0) 12 (40.0)
Cd Low 21 (67.7) 10 (32.3)  < 0.001  < 0.001 30 (96.8) 1 (3.2) 0.001  < 0.001 23 (74.2) 8 (25.8) 0.277 0.5
Medium 14 (46.7) 16 (53.3) 18 (60.0) 12 (40.0) 21 (70.0) 9 (30.0)
High 7 (22.6) 24 (77.4) 18 (58.1) 13 (41.9) 19 (61.3) 12 (38.7)
Fe Low 22 (73.3) 8 (26.7) 0.001  < 0.001 27 (90.0) 3 (10.0)  < 0.001  < 0.001 23 (76.6) 7 (23.3) 0.199 0.4
Medium 10 (32.3) 21 (67.7) 24 (77.4) 7 (22.6) 21 (67.7) 10 (32.3)
High 10 (32.3) 21 (67.7) 15 (48.4) 16 (51.6) 19 (62. 3) 12 (38.7)
Mn Low 21 (70.0) 9 (30.0) 0.045  < 0.001 27 (90.0) 3 (10.0) 0.008 0.02 24 (80.0) 6 (20.0) 0.519 0.1
Medium 7 (23.3) 23 (76.7) 20 (66.7) 10 (33.3) 16 (53.3) 14 (46.7)
High 14 (43.8) 18 (56.2) 19 (59.4) 13 (40.6) 23 (71.9) 9 (28.1)
Pb Low 21 (70.0) 9 (30.0) 0.001  < 0.001 27 (90.0) 3 (10.0) 0.002 0.01 24 (80.0) 6 (20.0) 0.168 0.2
Medium 12 (38.7) 19 (61.3) 22 (71.0) 9 (29.0) 19 (61.3) 12 (38.7)
High 8 (26.7) 22 (73.3) 16 (53.3) 14 (46.7) 19 (63.3) 11 (36.7)
Tl Low 22 (73.3) 8 (26.7) 0.001  < 0.001  < 0.001 3 (10.0) 0.001 0 25 (83.3) 5 (16.7) 0.057 0.1
Medium 10 (34.5) 19 (65.5)  < 0.001 7 (24.1) 18 (62.1) 11 (37.9)
High 10 (30.3) 23 (69.7)  < 0.001 16 (48.5) 20 (60.6) 13 (39.4)
Al Low Not measured 29 (90.6) 3 (9.4) 0.001  < 0.01 23 (71.9) 9 (28.1) 0.789 0.8
Medium 20 (71.4) 8 (28.6) 18 (64.3) 10 (35.7)
High 17 (53.1) 15 (46.9) 22 (68.8) 10 (31.2)
Sb Low Not measured 28 (96.6) 1 (3.4)  < 0.001  < 0.01 23 (79.3) 6 (20.7) 0.352 0.2
Medium 22 (68.8) 10 (31.2) 19 (59.4) 13 (40.6)
High 16 (51.6) 15 (48.4) 21 (67.7) 10 (32.3)
Co Low Not measured 30 (93.8) 2 (6.2) 0.003  < 0.01 26 (81.2) 6 (18.8) 0.208 0.1
Medium 18 (60.0) 12 (40.0) 17 (56.7) 13 (43.3)
High 18 (60.0) 12 (40.0) 20 (66.7) 10 (33.3)
Cr Low Not measured 26 (89.7) 3 (10.3) 0.002 0.01 21 (72.4) 8 (27.6) 0.402 0.7
Medium 23 (74.2) 8 (25.8) 22 (71.0) 9 (29.0)
High 17 (53.1) 15 (46.9) 20 (62.5) 12 (37.5)
Sn Low Not measured 24 (85.7) 4 (14.3) 0.019 0.06 22 (78.6) 5 (21.4) 0.258 0.4
Medium 24 (72.7) 9 (27.3) 21 (63.6) 12 (36.4)
High 18 (58.1) 13 (41.9) 20 (64.5) 11 (35.5)
V Low Not measured 26 (89.7) 3 (10.3) 0.006 0.02 23 (79.3) 6 (20.7) 0.197 0.3
Medium 21 (70.0) 9 (30.0) 19 (63.3) 11 (36.7)
High 19 (57.6) 14 (42.4) 21 (63.6) 12 (36.4)
B Low Not measured 19 (70.4) 8 (29.6) 0.842 0.98 24 (88.9) 3 (11.1) 0.23  < 0.001
Medium 23 (71.9) 9 (28.1) 20 (62.5) 12 (37.5)
High 24 (72.7) 9 (27.3) 19 (57.6) 14 (48.3)

N number of children, X2 chi-square test, Al aluminium, As arsenic, B boron, Cd cadmium, Co cobalt, Cr chromium, Fe iron, Mn magnesium, Pb lead, Sb antimony, Sn tin, Tl thallium, V vanadium.