Figure 2: Disease Free Survival and Overall Survival.
(A) DFS and OS based on hormone receptor status. Median OS and median DFS were not reached for ER/PR+ or TNBC disease. (B) DFS and OS based on CPS+EG score. Median DFS was 1.02 years for those with indeterminate CPS+EG, 8.23 years for patients with CPS+EG ≥ 3, and was not reached for patients with CPS+EG ≤ 2 (p=0.0035). Median OS for patients with indeterminate CPS+EG score 2.41 years and was not reached for patients with CPS+EG ≤ 2 and CPS+EG ≥ 3 (p=0.0029). (C) DFS and OS based on response to treatment. Patients were deemed responders if they had a pathologic complete response and/or had CPS+EG ≤ 2. Median DFS for non-responders was 3.03 years and was not reached for responders (p=0.00013). Median OS for non-responders was 4.73 years and was not reached for responders (p=<0.0001). N=66.