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. 2021 Oct 22;30(Suppl 1):S75–S82. doi: 10.4103/0972-6748.328863

Table 5.

Correlation of demographic, clinical features and psychological disturbances with treatment in patients with COVID-associated mucormycosis

Age Sex Education Diabetes HTN Alcohol CT score Steroids Anxpre Anxpost Deppre Deppost SEpre SEpost Spre Spost Xentern
 CC 1.000 −0.296 −0.494** 0.176 0.519** 0.065 0.103 0.061 −0.001 −0.147 0.264 −0.010 −0.037 −0.142 0.328 0.014 0.340*
 Significant 0.089 0.003 0.320 0.002 0.714 0.561 0.732 0.997 0.407 0.132 0.954 0.835 0.423 0.058 0.935 0.049
 CC −0.296 1.000 0.654** −0.342* −0.243 0.236 0.251 0.116 −0.070 −0.069 −0.139 −0.063 0.080 0.386* 0.117 0.134 −0.106
 Significant 0.089 0.000 0.048 0.165 0.180 0.152 0.515 0.696 0.696 0.435 0.723 0.654 0.024 0.511 0.451 0.553
 CC −0.494** 0.654** 1.000 −0.355* −0.126 0.089 0.308 0.141 −0.228 −0.163 −0.226 −0.124 0.042 0.298 −0.098 0.006 −0.288
 Significant 0.003 0.000 . 0.040 0.477 0.616 0.076 0.425 0.195 0.357 0.198 0.484 0.812 0.087 0.581 0.975 0.099
 CC 0.176 −0.342* −0.355* 1.000 0.116 −0.112 −0.088 0.007 −0.066 −0.120 −0.208 −0.272 0.171 0.057 −0.122 0.024 −0.015
 Significant 0.320 0.048 0.040 . 0.513 0.527 0.620 0.967 0.709 0.500 0.239 0.119 0.333 0.749 0.492 0.895 0.931
 CC 0.519** −0.243 −0.126 0.116 1.000 0.333 0.238 0.195 0.035 −0.064 0.347* 0.097 −0.049 −0.330 0.172 0.019 0.194
 Significant 0.002 0.165 0.477 0.513 0.054 0.175 0.268 0.842 0.717 0.044 0.585 0.785 0.056 0.330 0.914 0.272
 CC 0.065 0.236 0.089 −0.112 0.333 1.00 0.360* 0.306 −0.009 −0.299 0.065 −0.169 0.122 −0.127 0.133 0.091 0.138
 Significant 0.714 0.180 0.616 0.527 0.054 0.036 0.079 0.958 0.085 0.714 0.339 0.491 0.474 0.453 0.609 0.437
 CC 0.115 0.009 0.071 −0.081 −0.197 −0.186 0.134 −0.017 −0.216 −0.190 −0.152 −0.292 0.030 0.112 0.136 −0.05 0.114
 Significant 0.517 0.958 0.689 0.651 0.265 0.292 0.450 0.922 0.219 0.282 0.390 0.094 0.866 0.527 0.444 0.778 0.520
CT score
 CC 0.103 0.251 0.308 −0.088 0.238 0.360* 1.00 0.410* −0.083 −0.280 −0.147 −0.310 0.069 0.062 0.229 −0.015 −0.171
 Significant 0.561 0.152 0.076 0.620 0.175 0.036 0.016 0.641 0.109 0.407 0.074 0.700 0.728 0.192 0.935 0.335
 CC 0.061 0.116 0.141 0.007 0.195 0.306 0.410* 1.00 0.101 −0.009 0.113 0.068 −0.163 0.102 0.105 −0.105 −0.316
 Significant 0.732 0.515 0.425 0.967 0.268 0.079 0.016 0.569 0.959 0.525 0.704 0.357 0.568 0.556 0.553 0.069
High risk
 CC 0.149 0.165 0.056 0.112 0.253 0.133 −0.056 −0.306 0.126 0.005 0.051 −0.014 0.179 −0.183 0.000 0.168 0.253
 Significant 0.400 0.351 0.752 0.527 0.150 0.452 0.753 0.079 0.476 0.979 0.773 0.937 0.312 0.299 1.000 0.342 0.150
 CC −0.001 −0.070 −0.228 −0.066 0.035 −0.009 −0.083 0.101 1.00 0.730** 0.607** 0.596** −0.618** −0.56** −0.002 −0.026 −0.261
 Significant 0.997 0.696 0.195 0.709 0.842 0.958 0.641 0.569 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.989 0.883 0.136
 CC −0.147 −0.069 −0.163 −0.120 −0.064 −0.299 −0.280 −0.009 0.730** 1.000 0.516** 0.816** −0.611** −0.409* −0.206 0.070 −0.277
 Significant 0.407 0.696 0.357 0.500 0.717 0.085 0.109 0.959 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.016 0.242 0.692 0.113
 CC 0.264 −0.139 −0.226 −0.208 0.347* 0.065 −0.147 0.113 0.607** 0.516** 1.000 0.757** −0.489** −0.45** 0.354* 0.279 0.093
 Significant 0.132 0.435 0.198 0.239 0.044 0.714 0.407 0.525 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.003 0.007 0.040 0.109 0.600
 CC −0.010 −0.063 −0.124 −0.272 0.097 −0.169 −0.310 0.068 0.596** 0.816** 0.757** 1.000 −0.464** −0.274 −0.046 0.168 −0.136
 Significant 0.954 0.723 0.484 0.119 0.585 0.339 0.074 0.704 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.117 0.798 0.342 0.444
 CC −0.037 0.080 0.042 0.171 −0.049 0.122 0.069 −0.163 −0.618** −0.611** −0.489** −0.46** 1.000 0.518** −0.060 0.097 0.204
 Significant 0.835 0.654 0.812 0.333 0.785 0.491 0.700 0.357 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.006 0.002 0.736 0.586 0.248
 CC −0.142 0.386* 0.298 0.057 −0.330 −0.127 0.062 0.102 −0.560** −0.409* −0.452** −0.274 0.518** 1.000 −0.166 −0.050 −0.350*
 Significant 0.423 0.024 0.087 0.749 0.056 0.474 0.728 0.568 0.001 0.016 0.007 0.117 0.002 0.347 0.780 0.043
 CC 0.328 0.117 −0.098 −0.122 0.172 0.133 0.229 0.105 −0.002 −0.206 0.354* −0.046 −0.060 −0.166 1.000 0.627** 0.414*
 Significant 0.058 0.511 0.581 0.492 0.330 0.453 0.192 0.556 0.989 0.242 0.040 0.798 0.736 0.347 0.000 0.015
 CC 0.014 0.134 0.006 0.024 0.019 0.091 −0.015 −0.105 −0.026 0.070 0.279 0.168 0.097 −0.050 0.627** 1.00 0.207
 Significant 0.935 0.451 0.975 0.895 0.914 0.609 0.935 0.553 0.883 0.692 0.109 0.342 0.586 0.780 0.000 0.239
 CC 0.340* −0.106 −0.288 −0.015 0.194 0.138 −0.171 −0.316 −0.261 −0.277 0.093 −0.136 0.204 −0.350* 0.414* 0.207 1.000
 Significant 0.049 0.553 0.099 0.931 0.272 0.437 0.335 0.069 0.136 0.113 0.600 0.444 0.248 0.043 0.015 0.239

HTN – Hypertension; CT – Computed Tomogram; CC – Correlation Coefficient; Anxpre – Anxiety Preoperative; Anxpost- Anxiety Postoperative; Deppre -Depression Preoperative; Deppost- Depression Postoperative; SEpre- Self-esteem Preoperative; SEpost -Self-esteem Postoperative; Spre – Suicidal ideation Preoperative;Spost – Suicidal ideation Postoperative; Xentern- Exenteration ; *P<0.05 ; **P<0.01