Figure 4.
Local catalyst morphology as recorded by scanning electron microscopy (SEM; A, B, C), chemical composition as imaged by infrared photoinduced force microscopy (IR PiFM) (ν(Si–O), 1050–1030 cm–1, A′–C′ and δ(C–H), 1472–1460 cm–1, A″–C″), and relative mechanical properties as determined by phase shift imaging (A‴–C‴). All data were collected on the cross-sections of a single 30 min prepolymerized SiO2/MAO/Hf particle (same particle as in Figure 2C, characterized at a different depth; measurement areas are indicated by circles in the SEM images). Images in panels B–B‴ were recorded in the same area as those in panels A–A‴ but at a higher magnification.