Effect of ISR-inducing microorganisms on endophytic colonization of lettuce leaves by S. Typhimurium (A) and of basil leaves by S. Senftenberg (B). Soil drench treatments were performed with H2O (control) (white bars), T. harzianum T39 (light gray bars), P. guilliermondii S2 (dark gray bars), R. glutinis Y13 (crosshatched bars), and B. subtilis Mel 16 (striped bars). Assessment of endophytic population sizes was performed immediately and 10 days after passive apoplast inoculation with Salmonella. Bars represent the means of the log10-transformed population sizes of three replicate leaves sampled from three replicate pots, as well as the SEM. Different letters above bars illustrate significant difference in population sizes as per Tukey’s multiple-comparison test (P < 0.05).