A 67-y-old man with unresectable pancreatic NET. (A) Baseline 68Ga-DOTATATE PET (maximum-intensity projection [MIP]) image (upper panel); transaxial fused PET/CT image (middle panel); and axial contrast-enhanced CT image showed complete encasement (>180°) of celiac trunk (yellow arrow) by intensely somatostatin receptor–avid pancreatic lesion (7.0 × 6.6 cm; SUVmax 80) after PRRT (total cumulative dose, 31.45 GBq). (B) Post-177Lu-DOTATATE therapy planar gamma camera–based scan showed good tracer concentration in primary tumor. (C) Post-PRRT follow-up 68Ga-DOTATATE PET (MIP) image (upper panel); transaxial fused PET/CT image (middle panel); and axial contrast-enhanced CT (lower panel) showed significant reduction in size (2.0 × 1.5 cm) and uptake (SUVmax, 30) of primary tumor, with less than 180° encasement of celiac trunk (yellow arrow). Unresectable primary tumor became resectable.