Table 4.
Higher level concepts derived from the qualitative analysis, mapped ICF categories [33], and corresponding environmental adaptations and personal support needs
Higher level concepts | Mapped ICF categories | Environmental adaptations and personal support needs from the perspective of the participants |
A general positive attitude |
d230 Carrying out daily routine d240 Handling stress and other psychological demands d2402 Handling crisis d350 Conversation d360 Using communication devices and techniques e310 Immediate family e320 Friends e325 Acquaintances, peers, colleagues, neighbours, and community members e355 Health professionals |
Promotion of healthy behavior and education in self-management and the use of digital technology for communication Educate people on how best to stay physically active; connect with others by using new technologies such as telephone consultations, text messaging and video conferencing; and manage the stress of daily life through the challenging times of a crisis |
Challenges of being isolated from the community |
d460 Moving around in different locations d470 Using transportation d845 Acquiring, keeping and terminating a job d910 Community life d920 Recreation and leisure d930 Religion and spirituality d940 Human rights |
Information to avoid feelings of helplessness and outside control Provide detailed information for people affected by home or community isolation about the necessity of social/physical distancing policies to avoid feelings of helplessness and loss of control. If necessary, the information would have to be given in a personal conversation in an easily understandable way |
Deterioration of health status |
b280 Pain b710 Mobility of joint functions b735 Muscle tone functions b770 Gait pattern functions s 750 Structure of lower extremity e580 Health services, systems and policies |
Delivery of routine health service at any time Undertake immediate action to improve care and support to prevent any deterioration in health status resulting from isolation measures for people at risk (such as chronically ill, disabled, old, frail, or cognitively impaired). Therefore, routine health service delivery may need to be adapted to be reliably continued for people at higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19, even during a future crisis |
Adaptations to improve the implementation of COVID-19 measures |
e1101 Drugs e1151 Assistive products and technology for personal use in daily living |
Identification and elimination of obstacles and barriers to best follow the infection control measures Implement points of contact to best support people and address their specific needs to maintain their health, safety, and independence in the community throughout the COVID-19 outbreak and related health emergencies |
Lack of physical contact |
d710 Basic interpersonal interactions d720 Complex interpersonal interactions |
Assurance of personal contact if needed Raise awareness that especially older people and people with underlying medical conditions should never be left alone for long periods. This might have negative consequences for their health and well-being. The involvement of family members and other support networks should be allowed even in times of crisis with care and consideration; without preventing an encounter per se |
Lack of information versus overload |
d310 Communicating with—receiving—spoken messages d320 Communicating with—receiving—formal sign language messages d325 Communicating with—receiving—written messages |
Incorporation of people’s perspective in decision-making Involve representatives of people at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 in expert groups to identify context-relevant essential information during an outbreak |