Basal blood glucose of male mice lacking STAT5 in their adipocytes (Stat5Adipoq; n = 20) and their wild type controls (WT; n = 16) fed high-fat diet (HFD) ad libitum for 7.5 weeks (A). Thereafter, mice of both genotypes were divided into two groups each, one fed HFD ad libitum (ad lib), one fed HFD restrictedly (1 g/d) (restr). After 2–3 weeks, basal blood glucose (B), glucose tolerance test (C), insulin tolerance test (AUC and DOC refer to 0–30 min) (D), and circulating insulin, triglycerides, free fatty acids, and β-ketones (E) were assessed. Means±SEM; n = 7–12 per group; AUCtot, total area under the curve; AUCinc, incremental area under the curve; DOCdec, decremental area over the curve; *p<0.05 ad lib vs restr; no significant differences for WT vs Stat5Adipoq.