Figure 1. YBX1 forms liquid-like condensates in cells.
(A) Subcellular localization of YBX1 in WT and ΔYBX1 from U2OS cells as visualized by YBX1 antibody. DAPI staining (blue) indicates the location of nuclei. (B) FRAP images show recovery of YFP-YBX1 puncta after photobleaching. U2OS cells with stable expression of YFP-YBX1 was subjected to FRAP analysis. The inset images (middle) are the representative FRAP images. The recovery kinetics of YFP-YBX1 are shown in the bottom. Error bars represent standard errors with n = 3. (C) The effect of 10 % 1,6-hexanediol on YFP-YBX1 puncta in U2OS cells. This image was performed on ECLIPSE TE2000 microscope at room temperature. (D) Fluorescence images of YFP-YBX1 in U2OS cells after treatment with 5 % 1,6-hexanediol or 10 % 2,5- hexanediol. Live cell imaging was performed on an LSM880 microscope with the incubation chamber maintained at 37 °C and 5 % CO2. (See Materials and methods in details). (E) Number of YFP-YBX1 puncta in U2OS cells surviving over time after treatment with 1,6-hexanediol and 2,5-hexanediol. Error bars represent standard errors with n = 3. (F) Representative images of YBX1 puncta coalescence from U2OS cells. This live cell imaging was performed on an LSM880 microscope with the incubation chamber maintained 37 °C and 5 % CO2. Scale bars, 3 µm.