Comparisons of multisensory redundancy gains in severely visually impaired (SVI) and sighted (S) infants.
(A and B) Mean cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of motor reaction times for the sighted and visually impaired infants across uncrossed-hands (A) and crossed-hands (B) postures. For each posture, CDFs are presented for responses to auditory-only (red), tactile-only (green), and audiotactile-congruent (cyan) stimuli, and A+T (violet) and CDFA+T = CDFA+CDFT. Error bars represent ± SE intervals.
(C and D) Tests of redundancy gains (i.e., CDFA+T − CDFAT > 0), are presented for each posture (C: uncrossed; D: crossed), group (blue: sighted infants, S; orange: infants with severe visual impairment, SVI), and centile (10%–90%). Error bars represent ± SE intervals. Blue and yellow asterisks indicate redundancy gains in the S and SVI infants, respectively (p < 0.05 after Bonferroni correction for n = 9 comparisons). Red asterisks indicate significant differences in redundancy gains between S and SVI infants (p < 0.05 after Bonferroni correction for n = 9 comparisons). Only trials with a defined orienting response were included.
See also Figure S3.