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. 2020 Mar 17;17(8):e1669–e1680. doi: 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000688


Synthesis of the Primary Measures Used in the Included Studies (n = 46)

Measures used in more than one study
 Medication errors (n = 25)
  Detection methods: direct observation (n = 8),3239 self-reporting (n = 4),4043 patient record review (n = 4),4447 analyses of infusion concentrations (n = 3),4850 medication record review (n = 1),51 order review (n = 1),52 observation of infusion labels (n = 1),53 automated compounding workflow system (n = 1),54 self-reporting in the control group and errors detected by the system in the intervention group (n = 1),55 self-reporting in the control group and drug chart review in the intervention group (n = 1)56
 Time to task completion (n = 12)
  Detection methods: direct observation (n = 9),34,3639,49,53,56,57 electronic system time-stamps (n = 2),47,55 self-reporting (n = 1)58
 Adverse drug events59 and clinical incidents43,58,60,61 (n = 5)
  Detection methods: self-reporting (n = 2),43,61 patient monitoring (n = 2),58,60 self-reporting and automatic surveillance (n = 1)59
 Potentially prevented medication errors (n = 4)
 Detection methods: smart pump alert log data (n = 3),6264 computerized physician order entry (CPOE) alert log data (n = 1)65
 Medication errors recognized by the participants in simulated scenarios (n = 4)
  Detection methods: direct observation (n = 4)34,36,57,66
 Serious medication errors (n = 2)
  Detection methods: direct observation (n = 1),39 multiple methods (n = 1)67
 Compliance in drug library use (n = 2)
  Detection methods: smart pumps alert log data (n = 2)63,64
Incompatible drug pairs (n = 2)
  Detection methods: drug chart review (n = 2)68,69
Measures used in only one study
 Measures related to medication errors: incidence of inappropriate prescribing,70 medication error type,52 order completeness,44 incompatible pantoprazole combinations,69 accuracy of drug identification and concentration verification71
 Measures related to feasibility of a systemic defense: benefits of a systemic defense,24 negative effects of a systemic defense,24 feasibility of a systemic defense,72 consensus equal to or more than 80%73
 Measures related to medication therapy and medication use process: incidence of good glucose control,74 time between first glucose control to insulin initiation,74 24-h cumulative haloperidol dose,75 incidence of diagnostic tests,75 acyclovir dilution volume (in milliliters),76 number of ampoules and premixed infusions dispensed to the ward,61 potentially risky practices67