Figure 2. V1 axon densities are distinct across layers and HVAs.
A. Confocal images of V1 and HVAs from an example EMX-Cre mouse injected with an AAV driving Cre-dependent oChIEF-tdTomato expression in V1 neurons. Dashed lines indicate layer boundaries as defined by DAPI staining. Scale bar = 100 μm. B. Fluorescence density by depth (left) or binned by layer (right), normalized to maximum fluorescence across all areas (typically in L2/3 of LM). Error bars are SEM across mice (n = 6 mice; LM- green, AL- orange, PM- blue, AM-pink). See also Figure S1. C. Heatmap summary of B (right). D-E. Same as B-C, normalized to maximum density within each area.