Timeline of different
cell sources utilized in CMC mimics fabrication.
The idea of isolating the RBC vesicles was reported in 199490 and gained significant research interest in
utilizing cell membrane vesicles for coating onto a template to design
CMC mimics in 2011.62 For designing these
mimicking systems, the cell membrane from a wide variety of cells
source (leukocyte,63 cancer cell,92 platelet,93 bacteria,94 stem cell,95 macrophage,69 β-cell,96 RBC-platelet
hybrid,97 neutrophil,55 T-cell,98 platelet-leukocyte
hybrid,99 RBC-cancer cell hybrid,100 epithelial cell,101 RBC-stem cell hybrid,86 natural killer
(NK) cell,102 leukemic cell,103 fibroblast,104 patient-derived
tumor cell,105 dendritic cell106) has been explored depending upon the importance
of cells for a specific application. Recently, intracellular organelle
membrane coating was investigated using mitochondria as a model organelle.
These CMC mimics have shown great potential for use in personalized
medicine.92 Some patents granted on these
CMC mimics using the RBC membrane are highlighted in green in this