Table 2.
Protocolised inputs, frequency and duration of CYPHP components
Intervention component | Inputs | Frequency | Duration | Comments |
1. In-reach clinics | Labour: GP and patch paediatrician | Once a month | 20–30 min per patient | 2–3 hours total |
2. Lunch-and-learn sessions | Labour: CYPHP nurse, mental health specialist, paediatrician and GP who works alongside CYPHP | Once a week | 60 min | |
3. Specialist nurse-led service | Labour: CYPHP nurse and mental health specialist Capital: children’s centre |
Varies | 60 min (home), 30 min (general practice or school) | Service type, duration and location tailored to CYP |
4. Population health management | Labour: population health clinician, analyst and manager | Varies | Varies | Data: access, storage, analysis Proactive case finding: costs for sending messages |
5. Specialist team training | Labour: CYPHP nurse, primary care and secondary care staff, school staff | Varies | Varies | . |
6. Multidisciplinary team case planning | Labour: CYPHP nurse, mental health specialist, paediatrician and GP who works alongside CYPHP | Once a week | 60 min | . |
CYPHP, Children and Young People’s Health Partnership.