Table 4.
Relative change in the spatial distribution of IIAPS in South Korea.
Species Names | Current (km2) |
RCP 4.5 | RCP 8.5 | ||
2050 (%) | 2070 (%) | 2050 (%) | 2070 (%) | ||
Medicago sativa | 44,427 | −7 | −9 | −10 | −16 |
Amorpha fruticosa | 38,060 | 43 | 8 | 63 | 23 |
Dactylis glomerata | 37,565 | 61 | 91 | 42 | 37 |
Festuca arundinacea | 32,317 | 83 | 34 | 39 | 45 |
Helianthus tuberosus | 38,656 | 65 | 14 | 33 | 2 |
Poa pratensis | 34,272 | 41 | 94 | 42 | 66 |
Coreopsis lanceolata | 30,027 | 98 | 64 | 101 | 98 |
Eragrostis curvula | 38,113 | 101 | 92 | 59 | 98 |
Ageratina altissima | 15,725 | 150 | 156 | 45 | 71 |
Lolium perenne | 30,317 | 74 | 104 | 107 | 145 |