Figure 3.
Polymers for Vascular Tissue Formation. Summary of the main natural (purple section), synthetic (red section), and hybrid polymers used. Natural polymers (polysaccharide-based [orange], protein-based [blue], and decellularized matrix [grey]) can be mixed (arrows) with natural, and/or synthetic polymers (yellow), and/or linkers or thickeners (green), to form hybrid polymers (light blue). Alg = Alginate; CS = Chitosan; Coll = Collagen; dECM = decellularized extracellular matrix; Gel = Gelatin; HA = Hyaluronic Acid; LPN = Laponite; MA = Methacrylate; PCL = poly(ε-caprolactone); PEG = Polyethylene Glycol; PEGTA = Poly(ethylene glycol) triacrylate.