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. 2021 Oct 31;11(11):433. doi: 10.3390/bios11110433

Table 1.

Analytical performances of DA biosensors.

Graphene Functionalization LOD
Biological Samples Interference Compound Reference
3D RGO-PU 1.0 × 10−6 (h) urine, serum AA, UA, Glu, CA, 4-NP, Trp, Tyr, GSH [30]
PFSG/GCE 0.0008 (h) serum AA, UA [31]
ZnO NWAs/GF 0.001 (PD) serum AA, UA [32]
NiAl LDH/G LBL 0.002 SH-SY 5Y cells AA, UA [33]
Au NPs-CNT-G-pMet-SPCE 0.0029 (h) urine UA [7]
AgNCs/AgNPs/GO 0.00353 brain homogenate of PD mice GSH [34]
GR/GLN 0.0045 (h) urine, serum AA, UA, Glu [35]
Fe3O4/rGO/GCE 0.005 (h) urine UA, CA, Glu, AA, NaCl, AP [36]
Fe3O4@GNs/Nafion/GCE 0.00713 (h) urine, plasma AA, UA [37]
graphene-MoS2/GCE 0.007 (b) serum AA, UA, CA, Glu, cysteine, Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl [38]
Fe3O4-SnO2-G/CPE 0.0071 (h) urine, serum AA, UA [39]
RGO/Mn-TPP/GCE 0.008 (h) serum AA, UA [40]
Ag NPs/GO/P(Arg)/GCE 0.01 (h) urine U, CA, Glu, Na+, K+, L-lysine, L-cysteine [41]
TiN-RGO/GCE 0.012 (h) urine AA, UA, Glu, LA [42]
PA/GO/GCE 0.016 (h) urine AA, UA [43]
GNCs/CMG/GCE 0.02 (h) serum AA [44]
Au–Pt/GO–ERGO 0.0207 (h) serum AA, 5-HT, UA, AP, EP, NEP, CA, Glu, H2O2, NaCl, KCl, KNO3, Na2SO4, ZnCl2, CaCl2, (b) serum albumin, immunoglobulin [45]
α-Fe2O3@erGO/GCE 0.024 (h) serum AA, UA, Glu, U, H2O2, NaCl, KCl [46]
CNDs-RGO/GCE 0.03 (h) serum UA [47]
Au-ZnO NCAs/GF 0.04 (h) urine UA [48]
Pt/rGO/MEA 0.05 (r) CPU AA, UA, Glu, U, 5-HT, DOPAC [49]
rGO–Cu2O/GCE 0.05 (h) urine, blood AA, UA [50]
PANI/Fe2O3-SnO2/rGO/PFSG/GCE 0.076 (a) urine UA [27]
PTPCNs/GCE 0.078 DA injection and urine UA [51]
ERGO/PLL/GCE 0.10 (h) urine AA, UA [52]
3D-NG 0.26 (h) urine AA, UA, AP [53]
GO/Au NPs 0.29 (a) urine UA, AA [20]
AG-NA/GCE 0.33 (h) urine AP [54]
GO-BAMB-Co(OH)2 0.4 (h) urine AA, 5-HT [55]
Pd-GR/nano-CILE 0.5 (h) urine, serum UA [56]
3D HGB/ITO 1.0 * (h) plasma UA [57]
Pdop@GR/MWCNTs 1.0 (h) urine, serum AA, UA [58]
RGO–ZnO/GCE 1.08 (h) urine, plasma AA, UA [59]
Au/RGO/GCE 1.4 (r) serum AA, UA, CA, NaCl, KCl, NaNO3, CaCl2, Glu, cysteine [60]
mp-GR/GCE 1.5 (h) serum UA [61]

* levodopa: 3D HGB/ITO—3-dimentional hollow graphene balls using nickel nanoparticles/the indium tin oxide glass electrode; 3D-NG—three-dimensional nitrogen-doped graphene; 3D RGO-PU—3D-reduced graphene oxide/polyurethane; 4-NP—4-nitrophenol; 5-HT—serotonin; α-Fe2O3@erGO—magnetic hematite-decorated electrochemically reduced graphene oxide; (a)—artificial; AA—ascorbic acid; AG-NA—activated graphene-Nafion; AgNCs/AgNPs/GO—Ag44(SR)30 nanoclusters (AgNCs) with 5-mercapto-2-nitrobenzoic acid (MNBA)/silver nanoparticles/graphene oxide; Ag NPs/GO/P(Arg)—silver nanoparticles/graphene oxide/poly(L-arginine); AP—acetaminophen; Au NPs-CNT-G-pMet—gold nanoparticles-carbon nanotube-graphene-poly(L-methionine); Au–Pt/GO–ERGO—Au–Pt bimetallic nano-clusters/graphene oxide electrochemically reduced; Au/RGO—gold nanoplates/reduced graphene oxide; Au-ZnO NCAs—gold nanoparticles-Zinc oxide nanocone arrays; (b)—bovine; CNDs-rGO—carbon nitride dots-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites; CA—citric acid; CPU—the caudate putamen; DOPAC—3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid; EP—epinephrine; ERGO/PLL—electrodeposited reduced graphene oxide/polymerization of L-lysine; Fe3O4@GNs/Nafion—Nafion covered core–shell structured Fe3O4@graphene nanospheres; Fe3O4/rGO—iron oxide/graphene oxide; Fe3O4-SnO2-Gr/CPE —iron oxide/tin oxide/carbon paste electrode; GCE—glassy carbon electrode; GF—graphene foam electrode; Glu—glucose; GNCs/CMG—gold nanocages/chemically modified graphene oxide; GO-BAMB-Co(OH)2—graphene oxide -1,4-bis(aminomethyl)benzene and cobalt hydroxide; GONRs—graphene oxide nanoribbons; graphene-MoS2—graphene and molybdenum disulfide hybrids; GR/GLN—graphite sheets assisted with gelatine; GSH—reduced glutathione; (h)—human; LA—lactic acid; LOD—limit of detection; mp-GR—multi-nanopore graphene; NEP—norepinephrine; NiAl LDH/G LBL—positively charged NiAl layered double hydroxides nanosheets/negatively charged monolayers of graphene layer by layer; PANI—polyaniline; PA/GO—phytic acid/graphene oxide; PD—Parkinson’s disease patients; Pd-GR/nano-CILE—palladium-doped graphene/nano-carbon ionic liquid electrode; Pdop@GR/MWCNTs—polydopamine/graphene/multiwalled carbon nanotubes; PFSG—poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate)-functionalized three-dimensional graphene; Pt/rGO MEA—platinum nanoparticles and reduced graphene oxide/microelectrode array; PTPCNs—porous tal palm carbon nanosheet; (r)—rat; rGO–Cu2O—copper (I) oxide nanostructure decorated reduced graphene oxide; RGO/Mn-TPP—reduced graphene oxide/manganese tetraphenylporphyrin; RGO–ZnO—reduced graphene oxide-zinc oxide; SPCE—screen-printed carbon electrode; TiN-RGO—reduced graphene oxide and titanium nitride, Trp—Tryptophan; Tyr—Tyrosine; U—urea; UA—uric acid; ZnO NWA—ZnO nanowire arrays.