Figure 1.
Phenotypic changes in Arabidopsis and Broccoli seedlings upon root treatment by P. fluorescens SS101 or its cysH mutant 20H12. Photographs of MS agar plates with Arabidopsis, and two Broccoli cultivars (Coronado and Malibu) treated on the root tip with cell suspensions of PfSS101 (wild type) or its cysH mutant (20H12) (a). Percentage change in total fresh biomass (1), shoot (2), and root (3) of plants treated with rhizobacteria when compared to untreated plants (11dpi) (b). Means of percent changes in biomass with a different letter are significantly different among treatments according to two-way ANOVA (Tukey, p < 0.05). Asterisks denote statistically significant differences (two-tailed Student’s t test): * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01 of rhizobacteria treated plants when compared to the controls. For each plant species, four independent biological replicates were used with 10 seedlings of Arabidopsis and five of Broccoli per biological replicate. PfSS101: Pseudomonas fluorescens SS101, 20H12: cysH mutant of PfSS101.