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. 2021 Nov 11;13(22):5631. doi: 10.3390/cancers13225631
Abd abdominal
ACTD dactinomycin
adCTx adjuvant chemotherapy
Amp amputation
B breast
C cyclophosphamide
CDDP cisplatin
CI confidence interval
CTx chemotherapy
D doxorubicin
DFS disease-free survival
DRFI distant recurrence-free interval
DTIC dacarbazine
EORTC European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer
EPI epirubicin
FU follow-up
G grade
GEM gemcitabine
GIST gastrointestinal stromal tumors
Gy gray
HCI high limit of 95% confidence interval
HE hysterectomy
HN head and neck
HTx hyperthermia
HtCTx histology tailored chemotherapy
IFO ifosfamide
ivhet inverse-variance heterogeneity
LCI low limit of 95% confidence interval
LRFI local recurrence-free interval
MTX methotrexate
n.a. not available
NCDB National Cancer Database
n.r. not reported
NaCTx + HTx neoadjuvant chemotherapy and hyperthermia
NaCTx neoadjuvant chemotherapy
OR odds ratio
OS overall survival
periCTx perioperative chemotherapy
R resection rate
RP retroperitoneal
RT radiotherapy
S surgery
T trunk
Tx thorax
TXT docetaxel
U uterus
V vincristine
WE wide excision
Y year