Figure 1.
PGRMC1 promotes proliferation of breast cancer cells upon progestin treatment. Relative MTT-signal as surrogate for cell number of (A) MCF7/PGRMC1 and MCF7/EVC cells, (B) T47D/PGRMC1 and T47D/EVC cells, (C) MDA-MB-231/PGRMC1 and MDA-MB-231/EVC cells. Cells were treated with different progestins in the concentration of 10−6 M. Relative MTT-signal of (D) MCF7/PGRMC1 and (E) T47D/PGRMC1 cells treated with different concentrations of progestins (10−6–10−9 M) for 72 h. Values were normalized to respective DMSO treated cells. Statistical analysis was performed with twoway ANOVA and Bonferroni post−hoc test. *: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, ***: p< 0.001.