5-HT | 5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin |
5-HT2 | 5-HT2 receptors for serotonin |
5-HT7 | 5-HT7 receptors for serotonin |
AMPA | α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid |
Bax | pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein factor |
BBB | Basso-Beattie-Bresnahan locomotor rating score |
Bcl-2 | anti-apoptotic protein inhibiting Beclin 1-dependent autophagy |
BDNF | brain-derived neurotrophic factor |
BM-MSCs | bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells |
BMS | Basso Mouse Scale for locomotor rating |
CNS | central nervous system |
CREB | cAMP response element-binding protein div days in vitro |
dpl | days post lesion |
DPSCs | dental pulp stem cells |
EPO | erythropoietin ESC embryonic stem |
FAK | focal adhesion kinase |
FasL | ligand for Fas receptor |
FGF2 | fibroblast growth factor 2 |
GABA | gamma-aminobutyric acid |
GDAsBMP | bone morphogenetic protein-induced astrocytes derived from embryonic glial-restricted precursors |
GDNF | glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor |
GMCSF | granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor |
HGF | hepatocyte growth factor |
HIF-1α | hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha |
IFN-γ | interferon γ |
IL-10 | interleukin 10 |
IL-12 | interleukin 12 |
IL-1β | interleukin 1β |
IL-6 | interleukin 6 |
iNOS | inducible nitric oxide synthase |
iNSCs | inducible neural stem cells |
iPSCs | inducible pluripotenet stem cells |
iPS-NSCs | induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural stem cells |
iPSs | induced pluripotent stem cells |
KA | kainic acid |
LC3 | autophagy factor |
M1 | pro-inflammatory type of macrophages |
M2 | anti-inflammatory type of macrophages |
MAG | myelin-associated glycoprotein |
MCP1 | monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 |
MIP-1α | macrophage inflammatory protein 1-alpha |
MSCs | mesenchymal stem cells |
NF-κB | nuclear factor kappa B |
NGF | nerve growth factor |
NMDA | N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate |
Nogo-A | neurite outgrowth inhibitor A |
NSCs | neural stem cells |
NPCs | neural progenitor cells |
NT-4 | neurotrophin-4 |
Olig2 | oligodendrocyte transcription factor |
OECs | olfactory ensheathing cells |
OPCs | oligodendrocyte precursor cells |
PNS | peripheral nervous system |
RhoA | ras homolog family member A |
ROCK | Rho-associated protein kinase |
SCI | spinal cord injury |
SCs | Schwann cells |
sEV | small extracellular vesicles |
SKP-SCs | skin-derived precursors differentiated into Schwann cells |
STAT3 | signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 |
TH | tyrosine hydroxylase |
TNF-α | tumor necrosis factor-α |
TT | total spinal cord transection |
VEGF | vascular endothelial growth factor |
Wnt/β | catenin |