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. 2021 Nov 18;13(22):5796. doi: 10.3390/cancers13225796
ADC antibody–drug conjugate
BAD BCL-2 antagonist of cell death
BAX apoptosis regulator BAX
BCL-2 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2
BCL-XL B-cell lymphoma-extra large
BIM BCL-2-like protein 11
BRAF serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf
CAFs cancer-associated fibroblasts
CAM cell adhesion molecule
CC colon cancer
CK2 casein kinase 2
CMF cyclophosphamide/methotrexate/5-fluorouracil chemotherapy
CRC colorectal cancer
DAG diacyloglycerol
E12/E47 immunoglobulin enhancer-binding factor lub transcription factor E2-alpha
ECM extracellular matrix
EF1/ZEB1 elongation factor 1/zinc finger E-box-binding homeobox 1
EGF epithelial growth factor
EGFR epithelial growth factor receptor
EMT epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
ENO1 alpha-enolase
ER estrogen receptor
ERCC1 excision repair-cross complementing gene 1
ERK extracellular signal-regulated kinase
ESCC esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
FGF fibroblast growth factor
FGFR fibroblast growth factor receptor
FGFRL1 fibroblast growth factor receptor-like 1
ESCC esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
FLIP FLICE-like inhibitory protein
FOXO1 forkhead box protein O1
FRA1 Fos-related antigen 1
FRS2α fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 2
GAB1 GRB2-associated binding protein 1
GC gastric cancer
GIST gastrointestinal stromal tumor
GPCR G-protein-coupled receptor
GRB2 growth factor receptor-bound 2
GSK3β glycogen synthase kinase 3β
HA hyaluronan
HER2/3 receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2/3
HES1 hairy and enhancer of split1
HCC hepatocellular carcinoma
HGF hepatocyte growth factor
HNC head and neck cancer
HNSCC head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
HO-1 hemeoxygenase 1
HSC hepatic stellate cells
HSP90 heat shock protein 90
IP3 inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate
ICC intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
IGF insulin-like growth factor
IGFR insulin-like growth factor receptor
IKK-β inhibitors of NFκB kinase-β
JAK Janus kinases
JNK c-Jun N-terminal kinase
KLB βKlotho
LUAC lung adenocarcinoma
mAb monoclonal antibody
MACOM MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus protein EVI1
MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinases
MCL1 myeloid cell leukemia sequence 1
MDM2 mouse double minute 2 homolog
MEK mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase
MMTV mouse mammary tumor virus
miRNA microRNA
MRP7 multidrug resistance protein 7
MT1-MMP membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase
mTOR mammalian target of rapamycin
mTORC1/2 mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1/2
NCT neoadjuvant chemotherapy
NFκB nuclear factor-κB
Notch neurogenic locus notch homolog protein
NRP1 neuropilin-1
Nrf2 nuclear factor E2-related factor 2
NSCLC non-small-cell lung cancer
P53 cellular tumor antigen p53
PARP poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase
PD-ECGF platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor
PDGFRα platelet-derived growth factor receptor α
P-gp P-glycoprotein 1
PI3K phosphoinositide 3-kinase
PIP2 phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate
PKB protein kinase B
PKC protein kinase C
PLA2G4C phospholipase A2γ
PLCγ phospholipase Cγ
PPHLN1 periphilin-1
PRKACB cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit beta
PUMA p53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis
RAP1 RAS-proximate-1 or Ras-related protein 1
RAS rat sarcoma virus protein
ROS reactive oxygen species
RTK receptor tyrosine kinase
S6K2 ribosomal p70 S6 kinase 2 (jest teżskrót S6K1)
SCLC small cell lung cancer
SIP1/ZEB2 smad interacting protein 1/zinc finger E-box-binding homeobox 2
SNT-1 suc1-associated neurotrophic factor-induced tyrosine-phosphorylated target
SOS1 son of sevenless 1
SOX2 Sry-related HMG box 2
STAT signal transducers and activators of transcription
TAB tumor-associated B cells
TAC taxol, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide chemotherapy
TGFβ transforming growth factor β
Tin-PP Tin-Protoporphyrin
TKI tyrosine kinase inhibitor
TSC1/2 tuberous sclerosis complex
TYK2 tyrosine kinase 2
UPP1 uridinephosphorylase 1
VEGF vascular endothelial growth factor
VEGFR vascular endothelial growth factor receptor