Figure 4.
Differentiation capacity of grafted aNSCs depending on the graft origin. (A) Representative triple fluorescence immunostaining of a PVRV-SVZ graft within the DG (the arrows illustrate a GFP+/BrdU+/NeuroD1+-grafted NSC; A4). GFP identifies the transplanted cells (green, A1), BrdU (red, A2) indicates the cells proliferating after transplantation, and NeuroD1 serves as a marker for immature neurons (blue, A3). Scale bars, 10 µm. (B,C) The relative NeuroD1+ cell counts with the DG normalized to total GFP+-grafted cell counts did not differ between the two grafts (PVRV-SVZ vs. PVRMB). (C) The daily BrdU labeling of proliferating cells revealed a higher proliferation capacity of grafted NeuoD1+ cells derived from PVRV-SVZ as compared to that of PVRMB aNSCs. The p-values are from unpaired two-sided t-tests (PVRV-SVZ n = 8; PVRMB n = 7). (D) Representative triple fluorescence immunostaining of a PVRV-SVZ graft within the DG (the arrows illustrate a GFP+/BrdU+/NeuN+-grafted cell; D4). GFP identifies the transplanted cells, (green, D1), BrdU (red, D2) indicates the cells which proliferated after transplantation, and NeuN serves as a marker for neurons (blue, D3). Scale bars, 10 µm. (E–H) The relative NeuN+ cell counts with the DG normalized to total GFP+-grafted cell counts demonstrated an exclusive neuronal differentiation in PVRV-SVZ grafts. (F) The BrdU labeling index shows that ~37% of NeuN+ derived from previously proliferating cells. Notably, most grafted NeuN+ neurons are located within the GZ (G; arrow in D4), with no differences in the BrdU labeling index (H). The p-values are from unpaired (E,F) or paired (G,H) two-sided t-tests (PVRV-SVZ n = 7; PVRMB n = 8). (I,J) Relative NG2+ polydendrocyte counts with the DG normalized to total GFP+-grafted cell counts varied markedly and did not differ between the two grafts (PVRV-SVZ vs. PVRMB). The relative amounts of BrdU+ polydendrocytes were similar in both grafts (J). The p-values are from unpaired two-sided t-tests (PVRV-SVZ n = 6; PVRMB n = 5). Abbreviations: PVRV-SVZ—periventricular region of the ventricular-subventricular zone of the lateral wall of the lateral wall of the lateral ventricles; PVRMB—periventricular region of the midbrain; aNSC—adult neural stem cell; SGZ—subgranular zone; GZ—granular zone; GFP—green fluorescent protein; BrdU—5′-bromo-2′-desoxyuridine; NeuroD1—neuronal differentiation 1 protein; NeuN—neuronal nuclei protein; DG—dentate gyrus.