FIG. 3.
Co-IP of different Red1-3HA proteins with Hop1p from meiotic extracts of SK1 diploids. Cells from YTS3 transformed with either p1b-1 (RED1), pNH212 (RED1-3HA), or pNH212-K348E (red1-K348E-3HA) were sporulated for 3 h. Hop1p and Red1-3HAp were immunoprecipitated from soluble extracts prepared from equivalent numbers of cells using α-Hop1p (A) or α-HA (B) antibody. The Hop1p IPs were first probed with α-HA to detect Red1-3HAp. The blot was then stripped and reprobed with α-Hop1p antibodies to detect Hop1p. The α-HA IPs were probed with α-HA antibodies.