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. 2021 Nov 26;11(11):185. doi: 10.1038/s41408-021-00579-0

Table 1.

Patients’ characteristics.

Variables Patients (N. 62)
Age at vaccination (years), median (range) 71.9 (33.7–86.3)
Male, n (%) 35 (56.5)
BMI (kg/m2), median (range) 24.5 (19.1–37.4)
Diagnosis, n (%)
PV 21 (33.9)
ET 11 (17.7)
Myelofibrosis 26 (41.9)
PMF 15 (24.2)
SMF 11 (17.7)
MPN, U 4 (6.5)
Driver mutations, n (%)
JAK2V617F 49 (79.1)
CALR 10 (16.1)
MPL 2 (3.2)
Triple negative 1 (1.6)
Cytoreductive therapy at vaccination, n (%)
Hydroxyurea 15 (24.2)
Anagrelide 3 (4.8)
Interferon 4 (6.5)
Givinostat 3 (4.8)
Ruxolitinib 30 (48.4)
Other JAK inhibitors 2 (3.2)
No therapy 5 (8.1)
Ruxolitinib daily dose (mg), median (range) 20 (10–40)
Vaccine type, n (%)
BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) 22 (35.5)
mRNA-1273 (Moderna) 40 (64.5)
Time from MPN diagnosis to vaccination (years), median (range) 9.7 (0.1–36.2)
Time from ongoing treatment start to vaccination (years), median (range) 3.1 (0.1–18.5)

BMI body mass index, PV polycythemia vera, ET essential thrombocythemia, PMF primary myelofibrosis, SMF secondary myelofibrosis, MPN, U myeloproliferative neoplasm, unclassifiable.