Fig. 1.
Participants’ metabolic syndrome (MetS) risk factors and MetS risk score distribution. A Bar graph of the clustering of MetS risk factors in FAMILY cases compared to controls. 57.4% of MetS cases had one risk factor, 27.6% had two risk factors, and 15% had more than two risk factors. B Histogram showing the distribution of the IDEFICS MetS score in study participants at age 5 years. The mean IDEFICS MetS z-score for all 456 was 0.05 and overall, the study participants at 5 years followed a normal distribution of the IDEFICS MetS score around a mean of zero. IDEFICS MetS score = z waist circumference + (z systolic blood pressure + z diastolic blood pressure)/2 + (z triglycerides − z HDL)/2 + z fasting glucose