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. 2021 Nov 25;12:6836. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-27177-9

Table 1.

Crystallographic Data and Refinement Statistics.

Wavelength (Å) 1
Resolution range (Å) 99.23–3.0 (3.107–3.0)
Space group P 21 21 21
Unit cell dimensions (Å) 87.3133, 112.963, 207.684
Total reflections 529882 (50608)
Unique reflections 41939 (4134)
Multiplicity 12.6 (12.2)
Completeness (%) 99.96 (99.98)
Mean I/sigma(I) 12.52 (1.58)
Wilson B-factor 56.68
R-merge 0.4131 (1.147)
R-meas 0.4308 (1.198)
R-pim 0.1208 (0.3412)
CC1/2 0.885 (0.537)
CC* 0.969 (0.836)
Reflections used in refinement 41923 (4133)
Reflections used for R-free 2058 (203)
R-work 0.2298 (0.2972)
R-free 0.2686 (0.3352)
CC(work) 0.876 (0.635)
CC(free) 0.884 (0.681)
Number of non-hydrogen atoms 14417
  macromolecules 14414
  ligands 3
Protein residues 1587
RMSD bonds (Å) 0.005
RMSD angles (˚) 1.05
Ramachandran favored (%) 94.22
Ramachandran allowed (%) 5.78
Ramachandran outliers (%) 0
Rotamer outliers (%) 2.57
Clashscore 4.7
Average B-factor 64.01
  macromolecules 64.01
  ligands 84.47

Numbers in parentheses represent statistics in the highest resolution shell. R-merge = (ΣhklΣj | Ihkl,j – (Ihkl)|)/(ΣhklΣiIhkl,j), where (Ihkl)is the mean of related observations of a unique reflection. R-meas = (Σhkl (n/(n−1)1/2 Σnj=1 | Ihkl,j – (Ihkl)|)/(ΣhklΣiIhkl,j). R-pim = (Σhkl (1/(n-1)1/2 Σnj=1 | Ihkl,j – (Ihkl)|)/(ΣhklΣiIhkl,j). R-work and R-free = ΣΠFo | − |FcΠ/Σ | Fo | × 100 for 95% of recorded data (R-work) or 5% of data (R-free). CC, correlation coefficient; RMSD, root-mean-square deviation.