Fig. 4. Selected studies illustrating the contributions of the ACC and amygdala to social other-regarding behaviors in macaques.
a Neural correlates of choice during the reward allocation task in macaques. Plots show peri-stimulus time histograms and spike rasters for different conditions. Data are aligned to choice. Some neurons in the ACC gyrus encode reward to Other (blue) and others encode reward to Self (red and purple) as well as Other (blue). Data from [222]. b Effects of ACC (gyrus and sulcus) excitotoxic lesions on a social reward allocation task. Monkeys were given the opportunity to give rewards to Self, a conspecific (Other) or to no one (Neither). Prosocial tendencies are evidenced by the greater proportion of trials in which monkeys gave reward to Other relative to Neither. Data from [224]. c Effects of ACC (gyrus) aspiration lesions on a test of social interest. Macaques watched brief videos with social or nonsocial content. Dependent measure was the latency to retrieve food while videos were on display. Data are from the “Staring monkey” condition of [228]. d Left. Effects of crossed lesions of the amygdala and ACC on a test of social interest. Compare and contrast with (c). Data from [96]. Right. Oscillatory neuronal interactions between the basolateral amygdala and the ACC gyrus while monkeys expressed positive or negative other-regarding preference (ORP) in the social reward allocation task. Differences in spike–field coherence between the positive ORP (choosing Other over Neither) and the negative ORP (choosing Self over Both) exhibited frequency specific coordination as a function of the area that contributed spikes in the pair. Synchronization between the two nodes was enhanced for a positive ORP but suppressed for a negative ORP. Left panel: Differences in BLAspike–ACCfield coherence values between a positive ORP and a negative ORP over time. Frequency is aligned to the time of free-choice decision. Right panel: Difference in ACCspike–BLAfield coherence values between a positive ORP and a negative ORP over time and frequency. Data from [225].